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Need Help Filing an Insurance Claim?
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Dealing with filing an insurance claim can be complicated.

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*Please note that you can submit claims only if you hold existing insurance policies with LoPriore Insurance*

Accidents Happen. Will You be ready?

There’s no real way to prepare for an unexpected accident or disastrous event. Still, thousands of people file insurance claims every single year. It’s stressful enough to sustain a loss and the last thing you need is difficulty filing a claim. That’s why the LoPriore team strives to make your claim filing process as simple and convenient as possible. When the worst events become reality, we’re here to help in every way we can. If you ever have questions or difficulty when it’s time to file a claim, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our helpful agents. We’re always happy to offer a friendly ear, a word of advice, and assistance in filing your claim.

To report a claim, begin by selecting your insurance company below. Choose Make a Claim to find instructions about filing your claim. You will be redirected to your insurance company’s claim information page that will provide you with a telephone number if you prefer to file your claim by phone or an option to file your claim online. Then, if you have any difficulty taking care of your claim, the LoPriore staff is always available to help you through the process.

Personal Insurance
Claim FAQs
Commercial Insurance
Claim FAQs
Auto Accident
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Personal insurance
Frequently asked Questions

Personal insurance policies are defined as any policy (like auto, homeowners, personal articles, flood, and renters insurance) that provides coverage for items not related to a business or job. Here are some questions our customers ask about filing personal insurance claims.

Auto Insurance Claims:

First, make sure everyone involved is safe. If anyone is injured, call for medical help immediately. Gather all of the information you’ll need to make a claim before leaving the scene of the accident. You will need the following information to file your claim.
• Name, address, and drivers license number of all drivers involved in the accident
• Year, make, model, and registration number of all vehicles involved
• Location and time of the accident
• Name and telephone number of witnesses and injured parties
• Photos of the accident and damage if possible

When you’ve obtained the necessary information report the claim to your carrier and fill out an operator crash report.

A police report can be helpful in filing your claim. However, it shouldn’t be more important than filing your claim immediately. Sometimes, it’s impossible to get the police report right after an accident and it’s crucial to file your claim right away. In Massachusetts, an operator’s crash report is required for losses over $1,000. You can get this document from your local police department or see our auto accident documents.
• New home – A discount is available for more modern homes.
• Mature homeowners – A discount for policyholders who are 55 years of age or older and retired. For married couples, one spouse must be at least 55.
• Multi-policy discount – Available if you have both homeowners and automobile insurance with us.
• Protective Devices – Available for an automatic sprinkler system, a central fire alarm system, a central burglar alarm system, and a combination of smoke detectors (one per living level), deadbolt locks (on all exterior doors), and fire extinguisher(s).
• Claim free discount – Available only to those who have been our customers for several years.
• Non–smoker discount
• Renewal credit

When the claim has been reported to your insurance provider, you will be assigned a claims adjuster who will contact you to schedule an assessment. Once the damage assessment is complete, you’ll receive a repair estimate along with a list of registered repair shops. You can then make arrangements for repairs. If additional damage is discovered by the auto technician, the shop should contact the insurance provider for supplemental appraisal to cover additional costs.

It depends on your coverage. If you purchased comprehensive coverage on your policy, glass replacements and repairs are covered. A glass claims specialist will take your information to ensure coverage applies.

hOME Insurance Claims:

Follow these important safety steps immediately.
• If the property appears to be unsafe, leave the premises right away.
• If you can do so safely, turn off electricity if there is standing water in the home. Never touch electric components while standing in water.
• Report downed power lines or gas leaks to your utility company.
• Attempt to protect property by boarding up openings and salvaging undamaged items.
• Report the claim as soon as possible. (Information you’ll need includes time location and reason damaged occurred and a general description of the damage. Photos and videos are especially helpful.)

Once the loss has been reported, you will be assigned an independent claims adjuster who will set up an appointment to view your home. After the inspection, a repair estimate will be submitted to the carrier for review. Your claims adjuster will contact you with your eligibility details and a settlement agreement will be reached. Further, your settlement check will be issued based on the agreed settlement figure. Then, you sign settlement forms.
• New home – A discount is available for more modern homes.
• Mature homeowners – A discount for policyholders who are 55 years of age or older and retired. For married couples, one spouse must be at least 55.
• Multi-policy discount – Available if you have both homeowners and automobile insurance with us.
• Protective Devices – Available for an automatic sprinkler system, a central fire alarm system, a central burglar alarm system, and a combination of smoke detectors (one per living level), deadbolt locks (on all exterior doors), and fire extinguisher(s).
• Claim free discount – Available only to those who have been our customers for several years.
• Non–smoker discount
• Renewal credit

If more damage is discovered after your claim is paid, you should contact your claims adjuster immediately. Indeed, a reinspection may be required to make arrangements for a supplemental payment.

A public adjuster is a claims adjuster hired by the policyholder as an advocate for the policyholder during the appraisal and negotiation process. Whether you choose to hire a public adjuster is a personal choice, but it should be noted that you will be responsible for the cost since a public adjuster is an independent adjuster not hired by the insurance agency.

In some cases depending on the amount of damage to your home and your deductible you should consider to file a claim or not.

Commercial insurance
Frequently asked Questions

Every claim is different. Still, there are some universal steps you can take to provide the best information to support any claim.

  • Take photos of the accident scene and write down any verbal accounts as soon as possible, before memories have a chance to fade.
  • Report claims as soon as possible.
  • Review any security cameras that may have captured the event.
  • Correct the cause of the accident or provide barriers and signs if the damage can’t be immediately repaired.
  • Remember that you could be held responsible for accidents or injuries sustained by contractors working on your property. Thus, it’s vital to ensure you have the proper contracts in place.

Workers Compenstation Claims:

An employee should file a worker’s comp claim immediately after an injury occurs or work-related illness is recognized. The claim process begins when you notify your employer. Typically, your employer will file a form called Employees Claim Form 110. However, you can file the claim directly by following the information on the worker’s compensation poster at your workplace.

• The policy number
• Details of the incident
• Employee personal information, including name, date of birth, address, phone number, age, gender, social security number, marital status, and number of dependants
• Employee work information, including hire date, years in current position, and current wage information

Commercial Auto Claims:

Call 911 immediately. Otherwise, call the police or fire department to report the accident. Then, take the following steps:
• Avoid additional accidents and injury by moving your vehicle if permissible
• Do not leave the scene of the accident
• Answer questions from police or emergency personnel
• Exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver
• Take photos if possible
• As soon as it’s appropriate, contact your employer and insurance agency to report your claim

Commercial Property Claims:

Safety is the number one priority in any dangerous situation. Therefore, immediately ensure all individuals are out of harm’s way, and, if necessary, contact emergency responders.

While every property claim is different, the following steps will help you understand the best way to take care of your belongings in the event of property damage. Always apply common sense safety tactics throughout the process.
• Never enter a damaged building unless police or fire officials have declared it safe to go inside.
• If possible, move or cover undamaged property to protect it from the elements
• Separate damaged from undamaged property
• Do not dispose of damaged property
• Document damages with a list and photos or videost

Commercial General Liability Insurance Claims:

• Respond with the appropriate help (like assistance or medical attention) immediately
• Collect the names and contact information of witnesses and those involved
• Do not request a signed release form from the injured party stating they aren’t injured

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